Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize?

I went to CNN for some direct news commetary of President Obama being awarded the nobel Peace Prize. CNN' cemmentary focused on the immedite response from bloggers opinions published on twitter and facebook. The significant and opinionated worldwide tweeters believe that Obama should refuse the prize. In oposition antwerp tweeting site from Nacogdoches.usa stated in their news programing that "This is a great day for the United States." Bloggers fom Ausralia wrote "We are filled with happiness and hope, by Obama's Nobel Peace Prize."

CNN reported on many websites reponce to the News release that Obama would Recieve the Nobel Peace Prize. What made this press release news for many media outlets was, why did Obama deserve this recognition, by example one Boston Globe reporter states, "Can someone explane? I thought this award was for accomplishments not intentions."

State of Play

I got to watch a great movie this weekend. The movie was titled State of Play and stared Russel Crow. Russel Crow played a seasoned news paper reporter for the Washing Globe. The storyline begins with a murder of a thief who stole a anamous briefcase and the murder of an innocent by-stander.

This is a thrilling movie and a great mystery about how newspaper reports and news media follow a current local story. The movie potrias the chalenges of newpaper reporters and their managers in detemining what is imporant news and what sells newspapers.

What was interesting to me was the struggle between online news sourses and printed sources, and the fact that the movie potrayed this as an important media issue. Newspapers and their future is an important media issue. Russel Crow and a great movie story make issue more relevent to the question of whether newspapers will remain an important mews source.

Obama's agenda on Saturday Night Live

I watched Chris Matthews on CBS channel 3 and caught a report about President
Obobama and his current successes. CBS panalist memember Clerance Page, who is a columinist for the Chicago Tribune, mentioned a satrire of President Obama on "Saturaday Night Live". Page reconized the importance of Saturday Night Live's comic stage as an imporant forum for the reality of President Obama's political successes and failures in office. The skit given by Fred Armisen possed Perident Obama's successes and failures in months in office. Oboma promosed us changes we could all believe in.
  • Guantamamo Bay closed No...
  • Troops out of Iraq Nope...
  • Afganistan under control Worse...
  • Healthcare Reform HELL NO...
  • Global Warming Chilli...
  • Immigration Reform Nada...
  • Gays in the Military No Wayyyyyy...
  • Limits on Executive power Nooo...
  • Torture Prosecutions NO I'll never tell, beat me if you must...

Despite having a majority in both Houses President Obama is doing "Jack Squat" acording to Fred Armisen on Saturday Night Live and acording to the distinguised panel of profesional news gatherers on The Chris Matthews Show. It was interesting to me that The Chris Matthews Show thought that skits on Saturday Night Live are a significant news source