Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pearl Jam Rocks San Francisco

Pearl Jam entertained thousands at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park this past weekend. The concert went from August 28 through the 30. There were over a hundred bands for the 100,000 concert goers to choose from. Some of the featured headliners included Incubus, Dave Matthews Band, M.I.A. and Tenacious D

It was a perfect 70-degree day for the show's debut. The crowds rivaled that of Woodstock in 1969. Woodstock is celebrating its 40 year anniversary in August. Woodstock was infamously known for its drug use. So lead singer Eddie Vedder said to the fans, “Is everybody good out there? Everybody staying safe? I hope so because there’s a whoooole hell of a lot of you out there so keep track of each other, help each other up,” said Vedder. “And don’t eat the brown acid. The mushrooms are fine.”

Downs, David. "Pearl Jam Ignite San Francisco as Outside Lands Festival Kicks Off ." Rolling Stone Magazine 29 Aug 2009: Print.